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Sizes and measurements

There are plenty of collectible dolls in many sizes, with different proportions and measurements. To ensure the garment will fit your doll you can compare measurements for you doll to the doll that is modeling it or ask us to try the item on any doll from our collection.

We do not take responsibility for bad size choices so if you have any doubts please compare your doll measurements to the ones we have.

1:4 scale boys

Dollshe Craft Grant Phillipe, on body 28M fashion maxi.


Head circumference 133mm
Neck girth 82 mm
Chest 233 mm
Waist 166 mm
Hips 205 mm
Upper leg girth 132 mm
Lower leg girth 95 mm
Upper arm girth 72 mm
Lower arm girth 66 mm
Wrist girth 44 mm
Ankle girth 56 mm

Height 440 mm

Shoulder width 107 mm

Arm length 132 mm
Leg length 227 mm
Back length 107 mm
Hand length 47 mm
Foot length 66 mm
Foot width 23 mm
Pubic bone to tip of foot length 265 mm

Wig size 5in-5.5in